Amid World Mission

English | Spanish | Portuguese (Brazil)


Ministerial Journey of Pr. Hamilton and Andréia Morais. They have been working full-time in the ministry since 1998. Married in 1997, they are Sara’s parents. Pastor Hamilton holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from the Baptist Theological Seminary of Southern Brazil, with a Master’s Degree in Missiology from the Evangelical Mission Center. He is a clinical psychologist from Estácio de Sá with a postgraduate degree in Psychology from Uniara. Andréia holds a degree in theology from Betel Theological Seminary in Rio de Janeiro and a degree of HR manager at Uninter. She is a Christian counselor and educator. The family served for five years in Southeast Asia. In recent years, the couple’s ministry focus has focused on the pastoral care of pastors, missionaries, and leaders. Currently, Pr. Hamilton and Pra. Andreia serves at Amid World Mission leading the Pastoral Care ministry.